A nasty rumor made its way around this week saying that R&B singer Bobby Brown had died from lung cancer. And now the former New Edition font-man is personally putting the rumors to rest, confirming that he is indeed alive and well, contrary to what people had been saying earlier this week.
Bobby made a surprise call into Atlanta’s V103 radio station to clear up the rumor. “I’m not dead,” he said. “I couldn’t tell you [where the story started]. I heard about it yesterday and you know, I brushed it off.” According to reports Brown succumbed to lung cancer earlier this week. Once the news hit Twitter, it all but exploded causing Brown to speak out. “I think that Twitter’s getting out of hand. If they kill me off that soon. I don’t even Twitter but, at the same time, I’m alive, period.”
“People started calling my phone. People started calling me and asking me am I okay,” Brown explained. “If you don’t see me or hear from me, it doesn’t mean I’m dead. I’m just thankful, man. I got everyday to look for.”
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