Kamis, 29 April 2010



VH1 reality star Ray J is offering his advice on celebrities taking nude pictures that end up getting leaked: “Don’t do it!” Ray J, who was involved in a sex tape scandal of his own a couple years back, posted a blog entry to Vibe.com Monday (Apr 26) talking about keeping your “stuff” private because you never know where it may end up in the future:

First off, if you want to keep your stuff private then you can’t have nude photos in your portfolio. You can’t have that on your computer. That’s the first way to stay away from it: Don’t do it. And then the second thing is don’t do it. Lol. People can always find a way to get it out because sometimes you might have a best friend or a righthand that you get into it with and they could’ve had that footage and you telling them how you feel about them and you ain’t gon’ never deal with them and Eff you and then the next thing you know, boom there it is.

So you never know. My advice is don’t do it if you ain’t trying to get caught up. Now, it’s a trend. Back then it was for real. It was something that really had to happen for it to be explosive. Now, people can tell a trend from something else. Sometimes people are doing it for publicity but if you doing it for publicity you better look good! That’s all I’m saying. I’ve seen a couple of them because I’m 18 and over and when I looked, it said, “Click if you’re 18 and over,” so I was like, Yep I’m cool, and then I clicked it.

It’s all about how you deal with it. With me, I had a lot of explicit offers come to the table with a lot of money being offered to me and I could’ve been blinded by the money as far as traveling down that road and then I think for sure career over. But it’s just all how you deal with it. If you learn from it and try to move on and do things that’s are more positive in your career and not suck yourself into the negativity, I think that’s how you overcome that.

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