Senin, 30 Mei 2011

shit tattoos


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  • arn
    Oct 2, 05:13 PM
    The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology.

    Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.

    It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.


    Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.

    you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.


    shit tattoos. Read More: RANDOM COOL SHIT

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 2, 05:08 PM
    You obviously missed the irony of it all (and yes, OSX is around 10 years old now). Windows was never called "1, 2, 3" etc. so there's more irony for OSX which did takes 10 years to get where it is now (i.e that's how long they've been working on OSX; OS9 has NOTHING to do with the length of time they've spent on the current OS, which has little or nothing to do with OS9 technologically other than the similarity in GUI interface (save the overlap in Carbon libraries). OSX is based on NeXTStep, itself based on Unix. It's not based on Mac Classic OS 1-9. But then my ;) should have clued you in. But then Windows haters rarely get such humor, IMO.

    You're implying that I said something that you are "correcting" me on. Length of time of OS X development? Show me where I mentioned this before proceeding to "correct me". :rolleyes:

    The thing I mentioned was the progression of names: OS 9 then OS X. I know the two are vastly different. I know OS X is based on unix. But to say the numbering doesn't show a progression is silly. OS X instead of OS 10 indicates a significant change while preserving the numbering.

    I was only discussing the name Windows 7. Everyone with an answer believes they know. I don't know so I will not critique the individual answers. But I find it fascinating that between obvious Windows users there is no consensus. I've seen more than one explanation for the "7".

    And finally I am not a Windows "hater". I am a hater of people who care to waste my time telling me why using a Mac is "wrong". I will say that since being away from Windows for the most part for some time now, that I am lost on that OS. It used to be that I could go back and forth with ease. But the subtle changes to Windows have made it less intuitive IMO. And being a non-Windows user I think I am a good judge of whether it is intuitive or not when I try it. Microsoft has been making changes to Office for Mac over the years that I find strange. Labeling axis on a graph in excel for instance is less intuitive than it used to be. But recently I had to use excel on a Windows machine and I have to say it was very strange how it has been organized. The changes to Office for Mac OS are nothing compared to the changes I have seen to Office for Windows OS.

    shit tattoos. Wicked Gaming Tattoos
  • Wicked Gaming Tattoos

  • iZac
    Apr 29, 03:27 PM
    Who reads those things anyway...

    sure this ( has been posted a million times but ...

    (right at the end)

    shit tattoos. side effect of tattooing.
  • side effect of tattooing.

  • emw
    Aug 9, 12:42 PM
    I'd hope that anything purchased online would be new stock, since it lists the new specs at the store.

    The only way to really tell would be to test it when you received it, or if someone had a some way to identify new model serial numbers.

    shit tattoos. i have 2 tattoos me and my
  • i have 2 tattoos me and my

  • dontmatter
    Oct 22, 01:19 PM
    Of course the point is, they aren't doing these or any or things with the money. It's been accumulating steadily for nearly ten years, and is really building up quickly now. I don't think any of us "grumpy" stockholders would be complaining if Apple was doing something worthwhile with it. Dividends, BTW, are a message from a company to stockholders that they don't have to sell to realize a benefit from owning shares. They are good for improving the long term stability of the stock.

    I would love for apple to use 10 billion to innovate fantastically, enter new markets, go green, and more. I don't think it's going to happen- the purpose of 10 billion in the bank for apple is having 10 billion in the bank. Apple's expertise is in taking big risks (at least large for a compnay of their size), a good number of which pay off very, very well. But people- investors, CEOs, are risk adverse, and a huge pile of cash to operate on, so big they can operate and continue to invest in risky and exciting products, mitigates their risks. For apple, a pile of money might actually be worth more than investing that money at a high rate of return.

    shit tattoos. just random shit, tattoos
  • just random shit, tattoos

  • christian_k
    Oct 21, 02:41 PM
    Of course, an increased market share is good news.

    But It looks like Apple considers everything outside the USA as "rest of the world".
    Here in Germany there is still no Apple store and there are nearly no ads and if there are ads they are for iPod and not for mac. The only time I have seen a Mac ad on TV was when Apple switched to Intel.

    You can get PCs and PC stuff everywhere, but it is hard to find a Mac (or Mac software) anyehere, even in bigger cities. No Macs in educational sector.

    Today most PCs sold to indiviuals in Germany are sold in super markets and they usualy cost about 1000 Eur (~$1200 without monitor) for desktop systems or about 1300 Eur for notebooks. Apples consumer products (Mac Mini, iMac, MacBook) are not more expensive than that, but Apple fails to make anything of this potential. Macs are still an insider product here.

    Everyone here talks about VISTA - a lot don't know OSX even exists.


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  • Flesh Removal Tattoo

  • evilgEEk
    Oct 3, 01:49 PM
    I still believe that there will be some type of announcement, on something, before Thanksgiving.
    I agree. One last big announcement before the Holiday Season.

    I'm really excited about the iTV. That and Leopard is what I'll be eager to hear about.

    shit tattoos. era of military tattoos…
  • era of military tattoos…

  • CocoaPuffs
    Apr 15, 04:22 PM
    Why would Apple change the aesthetic look of iPhone after 3 generations without any added benefit for making the change?

    shit tattoos. Re: The Tattoo thread
  • Re: The Tattoo thread

  • mattwolfmatt
    Sep 28, 04:57 PM
    If this is the iPhone of houses, I guess my house is the Zune of houses. Or perhaps a 1st Gen nano . . . old, small, and ugly.

    shit tattoos. Re: Shit tattoos
  • Re: Shit tattoos

  • Eddyisgreat
    Apr 15, 04:34 PM
    wow the iOS/Apple closed ecosystem must really be the WORSE THANG EVAR if google is trying to trying to do it.

    shit tattoos. Patrick Swayze tattoo).
  • Patrick Swayze tattoo).

  • techfreak85
    Apr 21, 10:48 PM
    Personally, I like how Personality Cafe ( does it. But that is a psychology forum, not a tech forum. I'm not sure if it fits for a tech forum.

    shit tattoos. stupidest shit tattoos,
  • stupidest shit tattoos,

  • jayeskreezy
    Apr 3, 10:32 PM
    great detective work...too bad about your xbox360 though....good that they didnt take anything else...well, hopefully you're able to be compensated...did you have renters insurance?

    shit tattoos. shit, tattoos, memebase,
  • shit, tattoos, memebase,

  • aristobrat
    Apr 26, 10:34 AM
    I managed McDs for several years in a prior life, both for McOpCo (McDonald's Corporation) and private franchisees.

    Both of them had rules about not physically getting involved in altercations between customers, but it was from the stand-point of putting yourself in harms away, and creating a liability (regardless of who is wrong or right, if you touch a customer, you can personally be sued, as well as the company).

    If this were my store, and I was the manager, I don't think I would have touched the two girls doing the assaulting, but I would have physically gotten between and the girl they were beating the crap out of. If they wanted to punch me, fine. But that's also because I'm 6ft3 and 250lbs (a lot bigger than the blue shirt manager in the video) and those two girls don't scare me.

    If this was a situation where I thought I may get hurt, I don't know if I would do the same.

    It seems like the manager disappeared for awhile in the middle of the video. I hope it was because he was calling 911. The crews reaction was horrible. Had the crew have remained behind the counter and acted in a professional manner, the outcome of this event wouldn't have been any different, IMO.

    shit tattoos. a lack of shit tattoos but
  • a lack of shit tattoos but

  • kiljoy616
    Jul 22, 11:54 PM
    Oh my god...

    did Apple seriously just make pointing fingers apart of their campaign?

    I thought they were above that!

    I understand that it's unfair that the other companies do that and all, but Apple really doesn't need to stoop to their level, do they?

    They are still a company not a dam Religion so no they are not above it all.

    Or do you think that other companies already are not preparing some kind of marketing around the problem.

    That said, this generation of iphone will have this problem and that just something we have to live with if we want the look of the iphone.

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  • Audrey Kawasaki Tattoos (via

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 21, 12:19 PM
    Very inexactly. The Arabs invented 0 some time ago. The system is borked.

    It's only because the page is changing so quickly and the vote count you see may not be accurate at the time you place your vote but your vote is included and the vote count refreshed after you make a vote.

    With fancy quote handling...

    And I went through all the trouble of deleting the tag. Well thought out, MacRumors!

    PS can we add a consecutive post auto join next? :o

    shit tattoos. Geeky Tattoo: Ms. Pacman Head
  • Geeky Tattoo: Ms. Pacman Head

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:45 PM
    You must all believe me. I'm watching it right now!

    shit tattoos. Guy Gets Zune Tattoo -
  • Guy Gets Zune Tattoo -

  • grmatt
    Apr 6, 07:50 AM
    And what was the motivation of the third party app makers? To make a fast buck out of serving ads to people more interested in the ad than the product. That is bad for advertisers and probably the real reason the app was rejected.

    Who know whether clicks inside this app count as regular impressions? Unlike any third party, Apple is in a position to refund any advertisers for clicks on these ads. If they are doing that then I don't see anything wrong with them releasing this niche product.

    Yup. The developers of said app must've known they were playing with fire. Apple helped these advertisers make their apps, they should be the one allowed to showcase them.

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  • Best Tattoo Designs – Design

  • goobot
    Apr 29, 01:24 PM
    Im very excited to see what they announce at the wwdc.

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  • Maori Tattoos

  • Stella
    Nov 16, 01:11 PM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit™ for a month with the Intel switch.

    I may have to hospitalized if this actually happens.

    You should understand the technology a bit more before making assumptions about "evil x86 processors" ( thats Intel and AMD ). The intel processors ( now ) are way better than IBM could produce.

    There absolutely nothing wrong with AMD. In recent times they have fallen back a bit ( didn't produce better processors than the AMD64 ) - but thats the way its always been - AMD get ahead of Intel , and vice-versa.

    For a long time AMD desktop processsors were cheaper and better than Intels. This has changed since the latest Intel processors. AMD mobile processors have always been second best.

    Two years ago, I would have taken an AMD desktop over Intel.

    ( Yes, I realise this is about mobile processors )

    Sep 9, 06:49 PM
    I'm not ashasmed that our country was unprepared to deal with this

    i am.

    The blame will go straight to the top. Straight to George. He should have cut short his vacation on the ranch and been on a plane on day 1. This arguement will go around and around in circles, but look, people could have been saved if the administration had not cut funds to FEMA and redirected them to the war in Iraq. There were multiple interviews before the hurricane with people saying that the levy's would not hold if the hurricane hit hard. If Bill could get impeached because he got head, then is it unreasonable to hold George acountable for this? Am I the only one who feels this way?

    guess so. This is my opinion, and I am entitled to it.

    Sep 9, 06:59 PM
    i am.

    This arguement will go around and around in circles, but look, people could have been saved if the administration had not cut funds to FEMA and redirected them to the war in Iraq. If Bill could get impeached because he got head, then is it unreasonable to hold George acountable for this?
    Bill was impeached because he lied under oath about getting head.
    George didn't lie about anything under oath... he just had bad inteligence. :o

    Nov 16, 04:38 PM
    awe dude now ive gotta stay up and find out! (its 10:30pm UK time!)

    If it makes you sleepier, I don't have any inside information - I don't even know anyone who works at an Apple Store. I could be wrong, but it makes no sense to me that anyone would put down their online store on a Thursday afternoon a month and a half before Christmas unless it was a product update (well, frankly, I don't understand why Apple product updates on the Store work the way they do, but ).

    [EDIT: Apparently, I am all wet. Looks like it was just a facelift.]

    Third possibility: Mac mini Core 2 Duo - Apple Insider said there was a link to a page for them but no page.

    Jan 9, 10:36 PM
    i think final cut server will get released finally. link (

    Apr 5, 04:24 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Challenge Accepted!

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