Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

osama bin laden dead


osama bin laden dead. OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD

  • gceo
    Apr 15, 05:58 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:

    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?

    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • Mac.World
    Apr 16, 09:05 AM
    Um if it wasn't for a gay man you might not be speaking English and the computer as we know it would likely not exist.

    Umm, hate to burst your bubble, but in December 1932, the Polish Cipher Bureau first broke Germany's Enigma ciphers. Five weeks before the outbreak of World War II, on 25 July 1939, in Warsaw, the Polish Cipher Bureau gave Enigma-decryption techniques and equipment to French and British military intelligence.

    So in reality, if it wasn't for the Polish, Turing wouldn't have had the techniques to continue the Enigma work during WWII. Not taking anything away from Turing, but don't pretend if it wasn't for this one man, we wouldn't be speaking English now.

    osama bin laden dead. is osama bin laden dead or
  • is osama bin laden dead or

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 08:16 PM
    Yes. And AMD/ATI is currently working on new laptop CPU/GPU chipsets. Their first intensive collaboration. Apple and ATI have a strong link. Why not have AMD systems?

    Intel's GPU solutions are pretty bad.

    As someone mentioned, the x86 version of OS X works fine on AMD cpus. It's a hack, but it runs fine.Then again both are trying to move the industry toward multi-array multi-core CPU's with all sorts of functions beyond just being a general purpose CPU.

    I saw a better page with pictures too. I'll try to find it.

    osama bin laden dead. Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive?
  • Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive?

  • ipacmm
    Aug 7, 04:21 PM
    I might be picking up a new 30" ADC now. :)


    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • donlphi
    Oct 4, 01:18 PM
    I heard this is all a rumor!!! (

    Coming as little surprise to veteran Apple watchers, IDG World Expo announced on Tuesday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs would deliver the opening keynote address ( at Macworld Expo San Francisco. The expo will be held at San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center from January 8-12, with the keynote on Tuesday January 9th at 9 am Pacific at Moscone West.

    Last year's keynote brought software updates including iLife ( and iWork ( 06 and Mac OS X 10.4.4 ( Also, the first Intel Macs were announced 6 months early in the form of the iMac ( and MacBook Pro (

    While still early, this year's expectations have already begun to gain steam, with obvious expectations of iLife ( and iWork ( updates as well as the formal launch of the "iTV". Also possible is Apple's long-awaited phone and similarly long-awaited "true" video iPod, although both products have seen several setbacks. Lastly, with OS 10.5 Leopard's release around the corner, Jobs will undoubtedly take the opportunity to highlight some already announced (and perhaps some remaining "top-secret") features of the new operating system.

    Digg This (

    osama bin laden dead. is osama bin laden dead.
  • is osama bin laden dead.

  • NT1440
    Mar 4, 02:10 PM
    They realize that a hand-out is NEVER the same as a hand-up, and that wealth earned is not generally earned at the expense of others, but rather to their benefit.

    What truly amazing rhetoric. :rolleyes:


    osama bin laden dead. View Osama bin Laden killed.
  • View Osama bin Laden killed.

  • dgree03
    May 3, 04:00 PM
    They are offering you more bandwidth to use a higher bandwidth service like tethering.

    The consideration is very clear. Thanks for quoting the premise for contract law, but claiming there is no consideration there is ridiculous.

    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.

    They choose to charge the people who tether. It is a perfectly reasonable choice on their part.

    Hey a cable line comes into my house with all the channels on it. I can just jimmy off a filter and get all the channels without paying any more. They are already delivering it to my house, why can't I just get all of them since they are there anyways and I am paying for cable right?

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.

    So they can either charge EVERYONE more or charge the people who tether more.. Again they choose the later.

    Are you seriously defending charging for tethering!? What do you mean MORE bandwidth?

    I am paying for a 25 dollar 2gb plan for my phone. 2gb, is 2gb, is 2gb. If I tether it DOES NOT MATTER MY BANDWIDTH, once i use up 2gb i pay overages. It is that simple... I dont have to tether to use 2gb.

    Your cable example is weak. On cable you are paying for the content on that line. On your data plan there is no content to pay for.. it is just straight internet.

    A better cable example would be a cable company charging you monthly to extend your cable to each seperate room.

    osama bin laden dead. Osama bin Laden Dead Full.
  • Osama bin Laden Dead Full.

  • BBEmployee
    Apr 8, 02:42 PM
    I'm a current employee at Best Buy and thought I'd offer my two cents on a few issues.

    First, I don't really like Best Buy. I got a job there to work for around 4 hours a week to get the generous discount. It's particularly generous when dealing with open-box items. Even so, I am miserable leading up to heading in and I do not enjoy the time that I spend there. Thankfully, I have a good full-time job plus a lot of side work and I'm planning on quitting in the next month or so as the thrill of the discount has long worn off.

    That said, I have no problem being very open and honest about Best Buy and my experiences there.

    In regards to the iPad situation, I haven't been in since this issue came up and won't be in for awhile, so I don't really know what the buzz is on this matter exactly. I do know that they wouldn't put a freeze on selling new iPad 2 stock if they regularly had it for a random promotion, if only for the very reason that many think caused the initial problem: quota.

    I'm betting 1 of 2 things happened:

    1) They did indeed get in trouble with Apple for something. Sure, it's possible, and it's the easiest reasonable conclusion. I don't know why this would be though, and I'm skeptical about the whole hording thing. And again, this is coming from someone who has access to the inventory systems and all the places that would hide "horded" iPads. Plus, I have a good enough relationship with multiple managers (ones who know the score about Best Buy in an objective world...) who would be honest about this with me.

    Generally speaking, when they say there are no iPads for sale, there are no iPads for sale. It's really that simple. Demand is real, and supply is lacking. When we have them for sale, they're in the cages, and this would occur after passing through the pre-order system. White Verizon iPads tend to be the ones most often available, usually just a couple, and they're gone almost immediately all the same.

    Another factor in the equation though is processing shipments. I saw someone noted that after an open-box controversy between two customers, the manager was able to procure a new iPad 2 for a disappointed customer when apparently there were none for sale. Well, there probably weren't. He either bumped someone back on the pre-order list to be nice to the pissed off customer in the store or perhaps a shipment came in on the truck that had yet to be processed and he worked it out with the ops team to get them to process one so he could get it out. Oftentimes the managers do actually try to make the customer happy, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. The ops guys have their procedures, and it's rarely slimy in intent so much as rooted in overall efficiency, so sometimes a shipment won't go to the floor for sales until the next day because the processing takes time. If the manager pushes to work something out in that situation, the manager is doing you a favor and pissing off some ops guys to do so.

    Anyways, on to the 2nd scenario...

    2) This is what I'd really venture to bet is the problem: the pre-order system is a huge mess. It was a rush job authorized by corporate at the last minute and handled by less-than-informed employees who were also in a rush. From day 1 it was clear that problems were going to creep up, and they absolutely have. Nobody in store is happy about it. The employees don't like telling customers that they have to wait on a pre-order list, they don't like the 48 hour pickup window, they don't like having to deal with customers pissing and moaning and crying about conspiracy theories when only a 64 GB white Verizon iPad 2 is available once in a blue moon when a pre-order turns it down. It's not fun, for anyone, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.

    So what I'm guessing is really happening is that Best Buy is just digging out of this pre-order mess as fast as possible and skipping anything else until they get past the ramifications of a stupid decision. Considering there's little to skip seeing as supply is so low and we rarely have the most in-demand models available anyways, it's easier for them to just bow out of this for a couple of weeks and in a sense re-launch the normal sales when supplies are less constrained and they don't have a stupid pre-order process hanging over their heads. It's a cut and dry move that will allow them to gear up again in a more normal, focused way. Considering how things have gone there in the last month in dealing with anything iPad related, this might be the best decision for them.

    All in all, Best Buy is Best Buy: a brick and mortar retailer lost in an internet-connected world. Best Buy isn't nearly as evil as they are lost and longing for the 20th century. Sure, there's a lot of margin on accessories, but it's because there's more often than not no margin on anything else. They don't make much money at all on TV's and Computers anymore. If they're on sale, and at Best Buy, almost everything is always "On Sale," it's likely at cost or within a few dollars of cost. There's little margin in the shrinking physical media world either. The only departments with major products that have margin still are appliances and for certain stores, musical instruments. This is why Best Buy will likely be dead in 5 years if they don't drastically change their business model. They did a better job at adapting to the new world than other electronics chains, but they haven't done nearly enough. It's not an easy business at this point though as it has as much to do with dealing with suppliers suffering the same pinch and customers who want to have it all but don't want to pay for it.

    Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.

    As far as the employees, the biggest shock to me after working at Best Buy was realizing that so much of the supposed employee ignorance has more to do with incessantly having to dumb things down to the most absurd of levels with customers. 90% of the people who come in are nice people who just don't know much of anything about what they're buying. You have to learn to communicate on their level and not over-complicate things for them. It's easy to get stuck in that default mode and you have to actively snap yourself out of it on the rare occasion when you get customers who can actually hold their own in a conversation about the technology. And make no mistake, it's a huge relief for most of us when that happens because most of us that work there actually are pretty excited about the technology.

    Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me. The employees actually know their stuff and are honest with the customers. They also work as a team because the management pushes it and thankfully we don't have commission to muck things up. And customers do love us for it. You'd be shocked by how often a selling relationship turns into a friendship practically at our particular store. We get invited out after work all the time. Honesty goes a long ways, and when you're helping people save money by making sure they make a smart decision for their needs, it goes a long ways. And our managers are objective enough (and not locked into Best Buy corporate brainwash mode) to know that the only thing Best Buy has to offer over Amazon is the possibility of a good customer service experience. They do all they reasonably can to ensure that it happens.

    But again, this simply isn't the case everywhere at all, and it so often boils down to the luck of the draw on management. Good managers hire good people leading to good teams leading to generally happy customers and good sales. Bad managers hire their dumb friends, play games with customers, lie, cheat, and usually they don't put up good numbers.

    At the end of the day though, the good stores and the bad stores are equally screwed because the industry is a mess, the world is changing, and Best Buy corporate utterly and completely lacks the talent and leadership to be innovative in the 21st century. They refuse to reasonably acknowledge change, they're too scared to piss off manufacturers who have lines all across the store that vary dramatically when it comes to success and quality, and they're wildly inconsistent and disorganized with their processes and as they put it, "solutions." As said, if things don't drastically change, and I don't believe they will without a major shift in leadership, they'll be dead in 5 years. It's a sinking ship. I'll be happy to be out of there.

    Again, I don't think they're near as evil and corrupt as they are just lost. When you're lost, things can get confusing real fast. Bear in mind that oftentimes when employees appear aloof, they're probably confused because corporate changes things all the time and does little to help keep us informed of these changes. Also, don't mistake conspiracy theories for sheer stupidity. Like we saw in this whole conversation, people will say some wild things. It's easy to think it from the outside. I can assure you from the inside, that oftentimes what looks like scheming and maneuvering is really just disorganization, stupidity and/or confusion due to the muddled processes and the ever-foggy way in which corporate outlines these processes.

    I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.


    osama bin laden dead. The death of Osama Bin Laden.
  • The death of Osama Bin Laden.

  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 03:45 PM
    Ha ha ha ha ha! What a joke:D

    osama bin laden dead. Osama bin laden dead graphic
  • Osama bin laden dead graphic

  • maflynn
    Apr 8, 09:48 AM
    What I don't like about Windows 7 is the registry.
    Realistically how often have you needed to go into regedit to alter the registry. At my company they restrict access to the registry and it has not impacted my users one bit.

    I maintain about 30+ windows servers and while I have needed to go into the registry on occasion its a rarity. While I agree that the usage of the registry is a weak point for windows, its not as bad as some people make it out.

    Apple has similar issues that need to be fixed from the terminal, like rebuilding the launchservices database.


    osama bin laden dead. Of Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Of Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 11:16 AM
    Longer, healthier lives with more time to spend with family? Sounds horrendous.

    we'll see how france looks when the interest on their debt exceeds their GDP. Paid vacation has to end sometime

    osama bin laden dead. pictures osama bin laden dead.
  • pictures osama bin laden dead.

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Jul 21, 10:21 AM
    Completely incorrect, I have always been an Apple customer. I just recently bought an i7 iMac and own a Macbook pro, an iPod touch and an iPhone 3G. I waited in line for the iPhone 4, and I absolutely love the thing to bits. It's the fastest, most awesome phone I've ever owned. But what annoys me is that you have to agree that this is the most serious problem relating to signal attenuation ever been seen. I mean yes, it has been blown out of proportion by the media but when you get down and actually test it out in different signal strength areas, you definitely notice it pretty severely.

    But what annoys me the most, is Apple's "couldn't give a s***, let's point out other people's similar mistakes." Apple has never been like this before. Jobs may have saved the company but he's also going to ruin it with this attitude. Wozniak would have recalled the phones.
    I'm quite familiar with the circumstance. Placing the antenna on the outside of the unit has changed the way attenuation of the phone's signal manifests. Apple probably failed to predict the way in which this was received. I agree completely with Gruber on this one, though: it is a two steps forward, one step back sort of thing. I have lost a call that I probably wouldn't have lost due to this issue, but at the same time, I have kept far more calls than I would have, in those poor signal areas, had I been using my 3GS. It is a tradeoff (a word Jobs was probably concerned to use) but one I feel is acceptable. That said, discussion of the issue is fine�it really is there�but discussion blowing it clear out of proportion is just mind numbing.

    Now, on to your second line, you clearly don't understand PR and how a company Apple's size has to react with the media. They've certainly misstepped at times, but as they have chosen not to do a recall (reasonable, I feel, and it seems their customers are voting with their dollars that they agree) they have to back their decision to support the phone as is. Competitors have gone out of their way to target this issue and Apple has to respond. And it is fair, too. If Nokia is going to come out and say they don't have issues like this they should be prepared to have their products tested and the same goes for other companies. Apple's on the defense here and it has nothing to do with them not giving a ****.

    "Jobs is going to ruin the company with this attitude," is hyperbole.

    The Woz, as much as I love the guy, absolutely would not be capable of running a company like Apple (or one even remotely near as successful)�or how to resolve a PR issue. He's an engineer through and through. Not a businessman or any sort of social wizard.

    LOL. Grow up. You sound paranoid: Everyone is out to get Apple.
    Actually, the media does target Apple disproportionately, but it is not because they are haters. Apple is a large, successful company which people have passionate opinions about and that generates interest, page views, ratings, advertising revenue. So actually, that was right in one sense, wrong in another.

    And there's something entertaining about the line, "LOL. Grow up."


    osama bin laden dead. Bin laden dead 2011,in laden dead,in laden killed,laden dead or alive,laden dead,osama bin laden body,osama bin laden body found
  • Bin laden dead 2011,in laden dead,in laden killed,laden dead or alive,laden dead,osama bin laden body,osama bin laden body found

  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:47 PM
    Because not being eligible for an award ranks right up there with freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

    I think you're missing the point that it was Apple, not Jaymes, who invoked 1984 first. Now, if you want to claim that forcing developers who want to be eligible for one of the most prestigious awards to post their apps to the Mac App store is not Orwellian, then you have every right to say such. I, and I am sure many other application developers, will disagree with you.

    The Mac App store clearly demonstrates Apple's intent to drive the Mac towards as closed of a system as possible, not just for the OS, but for software as well (sort of like the iPad).

    Let's also not forget that the Mac App store work great in a consumer world, not such a great idea in the enterprise and non-profit worlds where licenses tend to be owned by the employer. With the Mac App store, apps are owned by the individual. It makes business sense for Apple but not for the organization who will be purchasing.

    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead: Inside
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead: Inside

  • sdugoten
    May 4, 08:59 AM
    There is a big difference between paying more for service that costs the carriers more and paying for a service/feature that doesn't cost the carriers anything.

    America is HUGE compared to Hong Kong to Europe so it costs the carriers far more to get coverage.

    Perhaps you might want to compare ..say San Fran or Newyork city to Hong Kong. City to City comparison seems reasonable, right? America is huge, However I don't see a reason why they can't invest enough money to get San Fran with better connection speed at a lower cost given the population is dense enough to cover the cost. Japan is big enough? Their land line speed and 3G network is pretty damn fast and cheap.

    My whole point is...getting 50 states all cover with uber 3G speed at low cost is tough, but getting a city such as San Fran or Newyork city should't be hard. They are not doing it because it's just no incentive to do so. Competition is the key.


    osama bin laden dead. in laden dead. Osama Bin
  • in laden dead. Osama Bin

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 25, 11:13 AM
    yeah i dont get the negative votes.
    the update is good news. people should separate the issues. i voted positive. even tough i would have loved to order a new macbook pro today.

    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 04:13 PM


    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • gravytrain84
    Mar 17, 01:19 PM
    Yeah that employee probably lost his job dude.

    Hopefully. He's obviously a moron

    osama bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead.
  • osama bin laden dead.

  • mcrain
    Apr 26, 09:29 AM
    It wasn't a skeevy guy, not even remotely.

    She was in the right restroom, there is a good option, for her to use the loo appropriate to her gender, female.

    I know it wasn't a skeevy guy. What I also know is that transgendered people have to deal with all sorts of problems, including what restroom to use. A transgendered woman going into a women's room should not be treated like a skeevy guy going into a restroom, but it happens. I've seen it happen. I pointed out the comparison to spark a conversation, not to say it's right, but to say the comparison is often made. Either there is a failure of education and tolerance, or some accomodation needst to be made, or maybe security should be better, or something...

    Oh, and there are too many people who make unfounded assumptions. This story is proof of that.

    Out of curiosity, do you actually know what gender she was? Was she post-op? Pre-op? Does it matter? I think a woman sitting in a stall might freak out by someone peeing upright next to them.

    You would think that; however one could argue that black Americans don't repay the goodwill done towards their causes by standing up for other minorities. In fact, you could say that they do the opposite and use other minorities as scape goats for their problems. You could say that but then everyone would just call you a racist.

    Yes, they might.

    I usually like your posts on here but this one is really coming off as transphobic and frankly makes me really sad to read.

    I really did try to avoid making it sound that way, because that was not my intention. I apologize to anyone who was offended by how I worded that post.

    osama bin laden dead. pictures osama bin laden dead.
  • pictures osama bin laden dead.

  • fredoviola
    May 4, 09:46 AM
    A child's imagination is the magic thing, not the 500 dollar computer that dulls the child's truly magic thoughts. I wish Apple would stick to humorous ads. These pieces done with "moving" bits of piano music make me a bit sick.

    Jan 9, 10:52 AM
    My speculations from another thread:

    I see Macworld shaping up to be all about portability, accessibility, & expanded functionality. So I expect to see:

    - refresh of the mb pro laptops, possibly even a refresh of the macbooks
    - iPod touch with 32gb
    - the ultraportable announced and positioned in between the macbook and the mb pro
    - multi-touch tablet with a 7 inch screen, 32gb ssd, wifi and bt, isight camera
    - I believe Apple will wait till later in the year to announce the availability of a 3G iPhone which will come with 16gb

    - iTunes movie rentals and expanded selection for purchase
    - Ability to download movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc over wifi (iPhone, iPod touch, & tablet)

    Expanded functionality
    - iPhone/iPod touch update with all features that were leaked and few surprises like (ichat, copy & paste, finder w/coverflow, doc/e-book reader)
    - Full preview of the SDK for the iPhone, iPod touch & new tablet
    - Announcement of a number of third party apps for the iPhone & iPod touch available for download thru iTunes
    - Ability to use 'back to my mac' feature with iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet

    Out-on-a-limb prediction: Announcement of iWork touch, a version of iWork for the iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet with a reworked UI that works better with a touch interface.

    Mar 24, 09:33 PM
    I had a Apple PowerMac 7100 with an external HD so I could dual boot into an Apple distribution of MkLinux, circa '96 to '99. I may still have the MkLinux CD somewhere.

    And before that there was A/UX for some 680x0 desktop Macs, which was too expensive for me to try, IIRC.

    Nov 16, 02:23 PM
    2. AMD is far superior. Right now Intel is in the lead, but it's not a true lead. For the longest time, AMD had the better architecture. Intel had to do something, so they went back to the P3, tweaked it a little, and added some huge caches, and gave us a CPU modeled after a 6 year old (guessing here) CPU that ran at around the same GHZ speeds, but was faster.

    This isn't actually correct (the what Intel did part, superiority is up for grabs). Intel did increase the cache size, but they did a significant overhaul of the chip design. Some details...

    Jul 21, 10:52 AM
    Really classy apple. Try to cover up your mistake by confusing users and trying to insult competitors you didn't think you even had to worry about.

    Apple continues to disappoint in surprising ways. What happened to the focus on building great products?

    Mar 17, 10:26 AM
    Your probably on camera and your probably going to get Banned from Best buy or if the see you in their they will ask for their money or call the cops. You knew you were getting it cheaper then the price it sells for so it's basically you stole from them. so if I were you I would not go into that Best buy ever again. The security guy probably knows who you are now.

    Actually he won't, the OP has a receipt that says he paid for the item in full. They have him on camera paying cash. Those two items match up and the OP would be able to use that as evidence to fight it. With the amount of transactions a cashier does it makes it more difficult to pinpoint which transaction the error occurred on.

    To those saying the cashier will have his pay docked you're wrong. It is illegal for companies to dock pay for a cash shortage there are exceptions, but in this case the company has no right to it. The only recourse of action is to fire him. Which may or may not happen.

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