Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

filipino tribal tattoo


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  • rnelan7
    Apr 10, 03:10 PM
    Fair question - mostly for the flexibility of watching multiple channels and/or playing PS3 while watching multiple channels.

    Plus - given the size of the room it would be difficult to achieve an ideal viewing distance for anything bigger than 50".

    Understanding, I'm coming over to your house to watch sports! I'll bring the chips and dip.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 10, 06:30 PM
    I live in Australia and am on the Next G network and, to be honest, it's very disappointing. Coverage drops in and out even in very built up areas. I can't comment very much about the internet because I try to avoid using it as much as I can due to the insane amount of money Telstra charges.

    Hopefully Telstra introduce this at a reasonable price. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it was between $600 - $700.

    It's Telstra they wont place a reasonable pricing structure, plus their NextG network sucks. As I said before I want an iPhone but I wont buy if it's with Telstra.

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  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    more worried about it still using the dated iOS :P

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  • thesdx
    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    That was just plain stupid. Nice way to ruin your career, Gizmodo. No Macworld for you. (I hope)

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  • Ugg
    May 4, 06:27 PM
    I don't see how people condone people asking intrusive questions.

    Now provide information on gun safety as part of a package of being information that helps people become responsible parents, but to be perfectly honest, what I own or do not own (as long as it is legal) is no ones business but my own and my families.

    Have you had much experience with doctors? I'm guessing that you haven't because medicine is all about asking intrusive questions.

    Doctors can't diagnose a problem unless they are able to ask questions. I'm just absolutely astounded at the amount of paranoia when it comes to gun ownership. If it's such a good thing, why can't a doctor ask about it?

    I am really, really stunned that there is such a disconnect from reality when it comes to guns. The NRA has done this country an enormous disservice.

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  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 04:00 PM
    so is there ANYONE left unspoiled here?(other than me)

    filipino tribal tattoo. Posted by TRIBAL TATTOOS DESIGNS GALLERY at 2:59 AM He is really proud to be a filipino that he even have a tattoo of the
  • Posted by TRIBAL TATTOOS DESIGNS GALLERY at 2:59 AM He is really proud to be a filipino that he even have a tattoo of the

  • exspes
    Jan 13, 04:04 PM
    What I'm wondering is.. if Gizmodo never posted that video, would we have heard about it anyway? As in, would there be news stories saying "Pranksters hit CES hard by turning off displays"

    My guess is we wouldn't have heard anything of the sort.

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  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:31 PM
    brilliant! i find myself "surfing" free apps to find certain iAds. I've always wanted a database of all of the iADs in one place to reference and inspire. I see 2 in the macrumors screen shot that I personally have worked on. Cool!

    you are .... responsible for these?

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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    When did I say anything about what people are "entitled" to be???You implied it very clearly in the post Mord was replying to.

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  • arn
    Oct 2, 05:13 PM
    The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology.

    Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.

    It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.


    Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.

    you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.


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  • twoodcc
    May 8, 11:01 PM
    It is folding at stock speed with threading turned off and it is doing big normal units at 3 minutes per frame. For some reason it hasn't gotten any -bigadv units since I set it up like this. It is using all 6 cores at least.

    awe man. well at least you have it going. it's too bad you don't have it running bigadv units though.

    3.7 is still really good, hope it stays there ok.

    thanks. yeah i can live with 3.7. i just hope it stays stable

    I'm starting to think that gpu's are the only way to go from now on; you tend not to lose wu's on them and if you do it only takes a couple of hours to catch up to where you were on the last one, not the day or 2 like bigadv units.

    Hope that Alienware rig works ok now, can you get anymore gpu's in it?

    yeah that's true, but the gpus use more power and so then more heat than the bigadv units. with bigadv, you get more points/power usage, which is a big deal. but they can be a headache.

    thanks. no, the alienware only holds 2 double wide gpus. now i have to in there and they are both going.

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  • doctoree
    Apr 15, 02:55 PM

    Lol, every of your line has a different vanishing point! The text is actually correct. Meeting a single, center VP.

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  • Next: filipino tribal tattoo

  • applekid
    Apr 3, 09:06 PM
    My question now turns to this: how do I get Microsoft to give up this information?? The cops are not able to get any info, Microsoft is giving me a run-around. I'm open to any ideas, if anyone knows a phone number for someone higher up the food chain at Microsoft, that would be great. I'm just really pissed off that someone is still using my 360 and Microsoft won't do anything to help.

    For any realistic chance of getting Microsoft to help you, you need to carry out a lawsuit.

    So pawn shop people have been renting this home? Kind of odd.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 11:46 AM

    What are we to do with people who will abuse of this new feature?

    How will you know who is abusing it. I mean, I'll probably always give you -1 but how will you know? :p

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  • MacsAttack
    Nov 16, 01:01 PM
    Some of AMDs embedded products would be very interesting if used on a small form factor i.e. tablet or PDA like device. Perhaps iTV uses AMD components???,,50_2330,00.html

    With the supply problems they are having right now AMD is not the choice to supply MacBook components. Not when Intel have the capacty and a very strong lineup of products (Core 2 Duo is what they had in mind when Apple switched - Core Duo was just a stop-gap).

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 8, 04:03 AM
    The Cinema Displays aren't for general consumers like most of you posting in this thread. They're for professionals who need even backlighting, excellent color accuracy, and a large viewing angle. That's why Apple charges a premium for them. If you don't care about these things get a Dell.

    What makes you think that you can't get those features in a Dell? Do you have any facts?

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  • Nicolasdec
    Jan 9, 05:29 PM
    i was whatching it and it ****ed up in the middle

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  • dieselpower44
    Jul 21, 09:49 AM
    "Apple - our products suck just as much as everyone else's" :rolleyes:

    LOL, couldn't agree more! This change in attitude is going to be the demise of Apple inc.

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  • RoboCop001
    Apr 5, 03:33 PM
    lol. But when is the Apple Store app going to be released in Canada? Is it available anywhere outside the USA yet?

    Apr 13, 06:52 AM
    The radiation dosage from any properly maintained active scanner is still orders of magnitude less than what you get from a 4-hour flight at 10 km. Go ahead and opt out of your full-body scans... if you're doing it for the "health" reason you're tilting at a very small windmill.

    Yes, the same dosage in what, a second versus 4 hours? It's a beautiful piece of misinformation you are spreading there. It's the same cumulative dose, however over a vastly different timeframe. If you believe that timescale of exposure has no bearing of the effect of a given dose, then that's your choice.

    Nov 16, 04:20 PM
    I'm sure this is just Apple's third secret life.

    Apr 8, 09:13 PM
    I was supposed to get it today but my dad had a doctor appointment so i'll be getting it tomorrow:D (

    so freaking can't wait to do crazy stuff in that game:D!! specially the skydiving part (Grand Theft Auto4+Spider Man 2 = Just Cause 2):D

    yeah its a great game....its a lot of fun :D

    Mar 21, 08:34 AM
    Came home from work today to find the window on my back door busted open and my Xbox 360 gone. They left the Wii, PS2, 32" Samsung LCD TV, stereo, MacBook, a ton of DVDs, CDs, and games. Just took the 360, 2 controllers, the XBox Live camera and some games.

    Called the cops, they came out, dusted for prints (didn't find anything good), tooks some pictures and wrote up a report. I still have all the reciepts for the 360 so I was able to give them the serial number and thanks to Delicous Library, I had a list of all the games that were stolen.

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    But really now, who the heck does that?? A bunch of ********* kids I'm guessing. "Oh, lets steal the $400 Xbox instead of the $1500 TV or the laptop." What is this world coming to?? I live in a quiet neighborhood. The only thing I have ever seen a cop around here for is to break up a party down the road on New Years Eve. There are families with young children, a newlywed couple, a couple friends down the road. We all know each other, nobody has ever had a problem like this.

    The cops didn't give me much hope for recovering anything and I really wasn't expecting them to. It just really ticks me off that someone can have such little respect for someone else's property. Its not even a matter of the money, my landlord has good homeowner's insurance and he is a friend of mine so I think he will file a claim for me.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd post my little rant here and toss my gamertag out there. If anyone sees rtdgoldfish on Xbox Live, let them know they are a no good peice of ****** playing on a stolen system. Or if anyone knows how to track something like this, that would be great!

    Man that sucks hard. Last year our apartment was broken into and my girlfriend's 17" Powerbook was stolen and oddly enough some undergarmets from Victoria's Secret. That was all they stole too...I didn't understand why they didn't take the plasma, stereo equipment, jewelry etc. The cops said that the theives were probably in a hurry...

    Anyway, there probably isn't anything you can do about it. The cops almost never get prints and (at least in my area) are pretty apathetic about this type of thing. In our case, they didn't really investigate too much at all. There were reports of similar cases at other apartment complexes around the area but I got the feeling that none of the police departments share evidence or collaborated on it because when I called the detectives about it they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about.

    My parents were on vacation last year and their luggage was stolen out of their car. They tried to file on their homeowners insurance but the insurance company said they had to have pictures and reciepts for everything they lost. So now my Mom takes pictures of everything she buys :) ....She asked me to run to the store and get some milk for her last weekend and I felt like asking her if I should bring the camera.

    Delicious Library is an awesome program!

    In any case, install an alarm system. We have a wifi camera system, an alarm, new locks, and the complex put a guard at the gate. Hopefully, that is enough to deter any more burglaries.

    If you guys don't already know about them, look up bump keys. They are scary. Anyone can open up just about any lock with minimal effort.

    Apr 25, 02:03 PM

    Warning- this is is extremely disturbing, it may bring you to tears.

    After an unidentified transgender woman tried to use the bathroom at a Baltimore McDonald's, two patrons started attacking her in full view of other customers and employees. These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers. It's time we DEMAND that justice be served and that EVERY McDonald's employee involved in this brutal hate crime be held accountable.

    The April 18 assault took place at a McDonald’s location in the 6300 block of Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb, according to the Baltimore County Police Department. A 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, charges are still pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

    Not surprisingly, McDonald's lacks standard policies for protecting transgender individuals, despite a decent record of workplace discrimination protections for gays and lesbians. And while the company has pledged to “take appropriate action” against all employees involved in this heinous event, just one has been punished.

    I don't usually post petitions, but this scared the hell out of me.

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